Kids Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Battalion’s Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu junior program Mat Monsters is from 5-7 years old and gets them accustomed to class structure. Students grade simply by attendance, behavior and enthusiasm in this program. Once the child reaches our beginners and advanced programs they will grade at the end of each term; demonstrating what they have learnt. We want your child to pass these tests so they are expected to have come along to at least 12 classes over the term to be eligible to grade.

Through our youth BJJ lessons we teach kids and teens respect, integrity, self-confidence, discipline, and work ethic. BJJ is a great vehicle for children to have fun and adopt an attitude for success.

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Mat Monsters (5-7yrs)

Class Duration: 30 mins

This is where we start the child learning the essential skills to develop in any sport or life in general.

FUN is the key for this age group! We work them through basic self defense scenarios, Jiu-Jitsu positions and games.

They develop team work, hand eye co-ordination, how to follow instruction, balance & discipline.

Your child will need to wear a team t-shirt and shorts or tights.

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BJJ Fundamentals (7+yrs)

Class Duration: 40 mins

Students will learn the foundations of BJJ, working on basic techniques and improving their leadership skills and discipline.

They will work on take-downs, self-defense, positional escapes and submissions along with functional games.

Your child will need to wear a team t-shirt and shorts or tights.


BJJ Advanced (8+yrs)

Class Duration: 50 mins

Now your child has a yellow belt & a solid understanding of the basics they will progress quite quickly if they apply themselves.

They will master fundamental techniques and sequences, learn advanced techniques and work on take-downs, submission escapes, drills and games.

In this class it is compulsory to wear a team GI.